2 Create a Marketing Cadence Social media is a great place to ramp up your high-season THE SCOOP marketing strategy. On Instagram, you can post enticing photos of your 15% find seasonal menu items and encourage customers to tag restaurants you in their posts. through online articles1 13% through apps like Yelp or OpenTable1 Through Facebook, potential customers can view your 92% of consumers hours, location and reviews while posting about their read online reviews2 experiences to encourage more guests to dine in your restaurant. Twitter can help you engage in conversations with local 43% of consumers consumers, including changes they’d like to see. Pinterest offers boards to show consumers inspiration for feel it’s very future menus. important for AND MARKETING LinkedIn can show potential employees your restaurants job opportunities. to offer new, seasonal items3 TRAINING Each social channel offers a different audience for you to reach, whether organically or through paid posts. You can also run contests to encourage trial, repeat and engagement, which can sometimes be overlooked from an organic standpoint. Contests or giveaways can expand your user reach with little financial THE SEASON: investment. Prizes can be as simple as gift cards to discounts to fully paid meals. Ask your followers to like, share, comment and/ or repost/retweet/regram/repin to enter to win. Once they share the posts, you’ll gain more exposure to their followers, who ARING FOR might not be following you. PREP 5 kabbage.com/restaurants