jan aug feb mar August apr It’s halftime: A month that tends to lag a bit because everybody’s on vacation or holding back because it’s the beginning of the school year. Don’t do anything new this month, but take time to may work on your social media plan and send your newsletter. Also, look at your metrics to see which initiatives have performed the best so far. JUn While it’s slow, it’s a great time to start thinking way ahead and start planning for the upcoming holiday season. Digging into your JUl analytics for last year to see traffic spikes aligned to key marketing activities is effective for holiday pre-planning. If you work in an industry where August is busy (for example, aug resort hospitality or a swim center), consider turning this calendar on its head and treating September as January. Your year runs from September to August anyway. sep oct nov dec A YEARLONG GUIDE FOR SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH 12

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