jan Are you ready to boost your business growth strategy? feb What you’re reading now is a 12-month course to turn strangers mar into customers, customers into clients and clients into advocates for your brand. Your small business is a machine: a complex engine with lots of moving parts that also provides a living for your family and the families of your employees. This year-long apr plan address the marketing engine of that machine, helping it run more smoothly and efficiently to give your small business a boost for the new year. may What’s in this guide: JUn What follows is a list of suggestions and assignments for each month that, if applied correctly, will net positive change in your JUl small business in twelve months. Not all of them will work, but if you stick to it diligently, enough will pay off that you will be in a better position than you’re in right now. aug It’s also likely that you’ll make changes to the plan as you go. You’ll decide that one suggestion doesn’t work for the specifics of your small business or that another suggestion needs to be sep “turned up to 11.” That’s absolutely fine. No small business is the same, and you are the only one truly qualified to fine-tune any plan for your growth. oct THOUGHTS OR QUESTIONS? nov Find us here: dec A YEARLONG GUIDE FOR SMALL BUSINESS GROWTH 2
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